Movies Tags

3D:  TT3D Closer to the Edge, 3D Thor, Hop The Easter Bunny, 3D Rio
Action: Pirates of the Caribbean, 3D Thor, Fast and Furious 5, Limitless, Faster, Unknown, Battle Los Angeles, Sucker Punch
Adventure: Your Highness, Tomorrow when the War Began, Faster, I Am Number Four
Animated:  Hop The Easter Bunny, 3D Rio, Rango
Comedy:  Arthur, Your Highness, Hop The Easter Bunny, Rango
Documentary: TT3D Closer to the Edge
Drama: Water for Elephants, Everywhere and Nowhere
Epic: 3D Thor, Sucker Punch
Fantasy: Red Riding Hood, I Am Number Four, Sucker Punch
Horror: Pirates of the Caribbean, Red Riding Hood, Scream 4, Tomorrow when the War Began, The Silent House
Psychological Thriller:  Insidious, Limitless
Romance: Pirates of the Caribbean, Beastly
Sci-fi: Battle Los Angeles